Guns N Roses: другие аккорды и тексты

Аккорды и текст: Guns N Roses - "Yesterdays"

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Guns N Roses

Here's a rather simple GN'R tune off of UYI II according to my ear (sans solo)
I don't remember what notation we agreed on in this group so I'm just going
to use H for hammer on.  I don't have time to post tabs/chords to songs
often, but if anyone wants more GN'R or some Social Distortion I can post
some songs when I have the time.  Other people seem to have R.E.M. and U2
covered so I won't bother posting redundant material.

Call this Rhythm Figure A if you want

D                                                  C               G5
               H		      H	

Cadd2             G5
X     O   O     X O O
| | | | | |   | | | | | |
| | * | | |   | | | | | |
| * | | * |   * | | | * *
| | | | | |   | | | | | |
  1 2   3     2       3 4

The song goes like this

2x Rhythm Figure A
enter lyrics (play Rythm Figure A where you see D C G5)

D                   C                    G5
Yesterday there was so many things I was never told.
D                              C          G5
Now that I'm startin' to learn I feel I'm growin' old.
D                      Cadd2                G5
'Cause yesterday's got nothin' for me.  Old pictures that I'll always see.
D                            G5
Time just fades the pages in my book of memories.

(Insert Verse 2)

Chorus (underline indicates drag out the word, 
        C5 is just power chord on 3rd fret):
A               B   C5                              G5
Ooh,____________yesterday's________ got nothin' for me.__________
A               B   C5                              G5
Yesterday's________ooh,__ __________got nothin' for me.__________

Chords for solo are (if someone wants I can post tab of how I play the solo):
Bm   G   Bm   G
Bm   C#m D    E

Other lyrics:
2nd verse
Prayers in my pocket and no hand in destiny.
I'll keep movin' along with no time to plant my feet.
'Cause yesterday's got nothin' for me.
Old pictures that I'll always see.
Some things could be better if we'd just let them be.

3rd verse
Yesterday there were so many things I was never shown.
Suddenly this time I found I'm on the streets and I'm alone.
Yesterday's got nothin' for me.
Old pictures that I'll always see.
I ain't got time to reminisce old novelties.

The song structure is basically:

2x Rythm Figure A
Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3